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+1 -800-456-478-23

Automation Partner of your Dyehouse Industry Company

Machines and accessories for textile industry

Machine Controllers

Learn more on innovative Controller, Developed with focus on Textile Production.


Production Management Software (OrgaTEX)

Learn more on how to appraoch a new level of production and performance management in textile finishing.


These sensors simplify operation, automate and integrate subsystems, and enable effective automation.


Retro Fitting

Buy High Capacity RF Products form DOMINUS Technologies Ltd.


DOMINUS Technologies Ltd.

DOMINUS Technologies Ltd. is one of the best engineering company in Bangladesh working with industrial automation especially in textile dyeing and finishing. As an agency and service partner of SETEX-Germany we introduce both hardware and software solution for textile dyehouse.
Controllers, PLCs, Sensors made by SETEX are the most user friendly, powerful and durable. OrgaTEX, the manufacturing execution system (MES) for dyehouse is the most powerful tool for managing and optimising dyeing processes.We provide RF dryer accessories like Triode, Diode, Capacitor etc from Richardson Elec- tronics, UK.
We provide ultimate solution for efficient flow measurement with SISEN China brand flow meters.

active Clients
projects done
installed machines
Glorious Years

Made By Us

Our Innovation SENSE Products: Bypass Level sensor, Pressure Transmitter, Pressure Transmitter, etc. 

Office Address

Road -11, House-23(1st Floor), Sector-4, Uttara, Dhaka-1230

Email Address


Office Time

Sat - Thu 9:00 - 5:00
Friday - Closed

Let's get in touch!